Ever wondered what a chakra is?
Part of tuning into our intuition and recognizing the spiritual part of ourselves means becoming aware of the etheric, subtle body that is just as real as the flesh and bones that make up our physical body.
Chakras are found throughout the body and are vortexes that direct energy throughout our body. Each chakra stores or directs or amplifies a different modality of energy.
So where are these chakras? There are seven major chakras in the body and they are located along the spinal column or the head. There are also minor or smaller chakras in the feet and hands and in other locations – but most of the time we focus on the major ones in meditation.
The first chakra is located at the base of the spine. If you imagine a toilet paper tube lying on its side, with one end at the back of your body and the other end facing straight forward, that is the location of the first chakra. Energy moves from back to front through the chakra as it runs through.
The first chakra stores your information about survival and how to run a body. It helps you know how to gather abundance, what kind of food your body likes, how much sleep you need, how to find shelter – all those things that the body needs in order to survive. When there is a clog or slowing of the energy in this chakra, you may feel like you don’t have enough money, or you may feel sick or tired. Or it may feel like it’s hard to take care of yourself. When your first chakra is aligned, balanced, and flowing energy well, it’s easy to take care of yourself and get your physical needs met.
If you hold your first and second fingers together and put them just below your belly button, your second chakra is located just below your lower finger. Your second chakra has your information about emotions and sexuality. If your second chakra is flowing energy well and is balanced, you feel free to have your emotions and are able to own your sexuality without shame or guilt. If your second chakra has foreign energy or is not flowing, you may feel conflicted emotions or uneasy about owning your sexual feelings.
Your third chakra is located at your solar plexus. If you feel this area with your hand, you may even feel a sensitive center. That’s it! Your third chakra has your information about your own personal power. If it’s blocked or out of balance, you might feel like things just aren’t going well for you or aren’t coming together – or that things just take a lot of effort. Perhaps you might even feel like you’re not good enough. If your third chakra is balanced and flowing, life comes together fairly effortlessly, you have enough energy for everything, and you feel validated and powerful.
Your fourth chakra is your heart center and is located in the center of your chest. It has information about loving yourself and other people. If your fourth chakra is balanced and flowing, you’re able to appreciate yourself and others and to share affinity for life. If the fourth chakra is blocked or not flowing, you may feel as though you’re not loveable or you may have a hard time relating to others.
Your fifth chakra is the throat chakra and has information about communicating as well as creativity. There are a lot of tremendous spiritual abilities in this area, including telepathy. When your fifth chakra is balanced and clear, it’s easy to say what you think and feel and it’s easy to create things in your life – new jobs, new projects, new house – whatever! If your fifth chakra is blocked or unbalanced, you may feel like you’re not supposed to say what you really think and you might notice your creations don’t turn out the way you really want them to.
Your sixth chakra is your third eye chakra and is located in the middle of the forehead. This center is all about vision – clairvoyance comes from this place. Clairvoyance really means seeing clearly – seeing the non-physical as well as the physical – and when this chakra is clear and flowing, you’re able to see the truth. When it’s blocked, you might have difficulty acknowledging what you see, or you might not see anything at all.
Your seventh chakra is your crown chakra and is located at the top of your head. It is the seat of your knowingness and intuition. Whenever you just know something is going to happen, that is your inner knowingness from your 7th chakra and it is a tremendous spiritual ability. When your seventh chakra is clear and balanced, you don’t have any trouble knowing your own answers. Conversely, if that chakra is blocked, you may feel like you don’t know the truth about your life.
Each of these chakras has tremendous gifts to offer you and it pays to spend some time getting to know yourself and how your energy is flowing. Ultimately the best situation is when all the chakras are aligned and in harmony – so that when we see something with our vision, our emotions resonate as well, we feel powerful, we are open to ourselves and others, we communicate well and we know we are on track.
An amazing place to be!