Greetings, Spiritual Seeker!
More often than not, this blog contains some sort of educational topic. But this week I am in such a state of happiness and miracle space that I simply wanted to ponder that state for a while, and share my ponderings.
It is really magnificent when we start to take steps forward on our path based upon our inner knowing and inner light. Definitely not easy, but it is simple – and such a rewarding way to go.
There’s something to be said for taking that leap of faith into the unknown and going our own way. Something so vital, enlivening, invigorating. Something freeing, something immeasurably creative and wonderful.
I have been taking some of those steps over the past several months and I’m so very grateful for the path that I’m on. And because of that incredible sense of gratitude I feel towards life itself, I so very much want to spread that joy and grace to everyone that I know.
I bet if you’re reading this, you’ve known the pain of not knowing who you really are, of feeling stuck, of feeling that there is really nothing you can do about your life.
I’ve known it too.
I’ve known the pain of feeling trapped, feeling lost, feeling unworthy. And I’m here to say that – there is a different path.
A lighter path.
A friendlier path.
A more whole path.
And the most incredible, wonderful, amazing part of this that the simple truth is that YOU ARE THAT PATH.
You – your spirit – your life – is the key to getting back on that path of wholeness and life.
Opening up to the totality of who you are as a magnificent being is the whole key to transforming that place of karma, pain and stuckness into a path of wisdom, light and freedom. Passion even.
It would be my complete honor to assist you on the way to feeling that sense of worth and passion within yourself. I would very much like to hear what struggles you are having on your path and what topics you need help with. I invite you to email me and let me know what you most need to know on your path.
It is my only hope that everyone can find that core within themselves – that source – the source of all that is.
May it be.