Many of us seeking a greater purpose start out asking lots of questions. That’s pretty natural – especially considering that when we first start to wake up, we go through a huge period of growth where nothing seems solid or certain.
A lot of times, we’ve been through so much pain or hardship that we really just want a quick, simple set of steps to get to a better place.
All of that is really natural to want. We want a lifeline, a comfort, a security.
So I’m going to give you the one simple key to getting from those shaky stages to a place where you start to feel some mastery.
That key?
You are the key.
What does that mean, really?
Well – first off, there really are no answers other than what you have within yourself. Part of the growth of yearning for your life purpose is a developing maturity – where you are no longer dependent on the rules and regulations of others. Instead, you start to become self-referenced.
That is part of the evolutionary path of us all – to learn to become wise to ourselves. Rather than accepting a cookie cutter formula that is good in all situations, we start to get quiet and look at each moment anew and start to discern the truth of each moment as it comes to us.
That requires a step forward in our maturity. There is nothing wrong with having a set of guidelines to live our lives by – perhaps a holy book or a religious practice. That is also a part of our development and evolution – and we have all been there. There’s no judgement or comparison. However, if you are asking at all what your role in life is or what your greater purpose is – you are on the brink of discovering a whole new phase of your development as a being.
That new phase is one in which you are no longer beholden to another’s wishes or desires – where you determine your destiny for yourself and where you are able to calmly and neutrally access, moment to moment, what your answer is in that moment.
The truth is that rules start to fall apart for those that are beginning to awaken. Rules have a purpose, for sure. However, systems like astrology take on a whole new meaning for those who choose for themselves, how they will live. These systems become informational tools in support of our path, not pre-determined lists of events.
It therefore can become very confusing if you are trying to apply a set of rules that will cover every possible circumstance in your life. Some rules may work part of the time and some rules may work for other times – and you may even find that the rules don’t apply consistently.
If you find any of this happening, you have good reason to celebrate. You are embarking on a new phase in your growth. And don’t worry – this doesn’t mean you don’t have a path or truth, just because you can’t find it in the world around you.
Ultimately – YOU are the truth. You are your own answers and you are starting to awaken to the wisdom that the answers can never be found outside of you. They have to be realized moment to moment, piece by piece – within your heart and mind and soul.
So, how do you get back to the heart?
That is what Spirit Life Journeys is all about – learning how to get quiet to hear yourself. To know in each moment, by seeing/hearing/feeling for yourself what your answer is and then learning how to give yourself permission to have those answers.
For in doing so, you create paradise on earth.